Garden Annex Garden Annex Builders


Ingenious Corner Garden Room Ideas

In recent years, the concept of garden rooms has taken the world of home and garden design by storm. These serene sanctuaries offer more than just an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; garden buildings seamlessly blend functionality with the tranquil beauty of nature. Among the plethora…


Can You Live in a Garden Room?

Garden rooms have become an attractive feature for homeowners, large families, and home renovators seeking to add versatility and comfort to their living spaces. Often embraced as havens of tranquillity, places of work, or creative studios, the idea of turning garden rooms into full-time living quarters is gaining traction. But,…


Garden Man Cave Ideas

A sacred space, a hidden haven, a personal palace—whatever you choose to call it, garden man caves represent a special retreat where one can unwind, pursue hobbies, or simply escape from the hustle and bustle of family life. Traditionally confined to basements or spare rooms, the concept of the man…


Garden Room Extensions

As more homeowners look to maximise their living spaces without the hassle of traditional home extensions, garden room extensions have surged in popularity. Offering a versatile, stylish, and often cost-effective alternative, garden rooms are becoming a staple in modern home design. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the concept of…


Garden Room Cladding Guide

When it comes to creating the perfect bespoke garden room, choosing the right cladding is essential. Not only does cladding protect your garden room from the elements, but it also provides a visible design feature that defines the overall aesthetic of the outdoor space. In this comprehensive guide, we will…


Does a Garden Room Add Value to Your House?

Garden rooms are becoming increasingly popular in home improvement because they provide extra living space while enhancing the house’s overall look. However, people considering adding a garden room to their house might be thinking, do garden rooms add value to your house in the long run? Well, the brief answer…


Garden Office Insulation Advice

Ever since remote and hybrid work models have been adopted by businesses all over the world, more and more people have been working from home. During the pandemic, people somehow managed to work from their bedrooms and living rooms. But, now that working from home is becoming a permanent thing…


Teenage Garden Den Ideas

As a parent, you want to provide your teenager with the best opportunities in life. One of the ways you can do this is by giving them their own space in the garden – a place where they can relax and feel safe. At Garden Rooms 365, we build custom…


How to build a garden room on a budget

If you’re looking to add an extra room to your home without spending a fortune, then you might want to consider building a garden room. Garden rooms are becoming increasingly popular, as they provide a cost-effective way to additional space and year round functionality. But what exactly is a garden…


What is a garden room?

Looking for a way to add extra space, not to mention a hint of luxury, to your home? Then a garden room may be exactly what you’re looking for. This is an excellent way to make the most of your outdoor space and to seriously enhance your lifestyle. With people…